Spacehighwayman Update and Dev Log

I've just updated Spacehighwayman to include an Invert Look option.

I've literally tried to contact other developers about adding missing invert options before, so even if I don't do any other work on this prototype, I felt obligated to at least add invert look. This should make the game playable for the other 50~% of gamers (although it still requires a gamepad). Funnily enough while adding the option, I discovered I had actually already implemented the feature, and just hadn't added a player controllable button to turn it on or off...

While posting this update, I also realized I never linked the youtube dev log to this page (I had been posting the dev log videos to a separate discord during Watch + Jam 5). So here is a link to the full Spacehighwayman dev log:


Spacehighwayman 23 MB
Sep 14, 2022

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